iCTF 2023 graphic from poster

With sponsorship from the ACTION Institute, the 2023 International Capture the Flag (iCTF) competition will incorporate themes around artificial intelligence and will have tracks for both high school students (iCTFhi) and undergraduate students (iCTFun). This novel security competition is being organized by Shellphish and the UCSB Women in Computer Science group.

Register your team of up to ten players by November 24. Note that an associated faculty/lecturer/teacher is required, as all teams will be vetted. An institution can have multiple, non-colluding teams.  

The iCTF is scheduled to run from December 2, 2023 at 10 am Pacific Time to December 8, 2023 at 4 pm Pacific Time.  Note that the end date was extended from December 3 to December 8 to give players more time to convene in classroom settings. 

Find out more at https://ictf.cs.ucsb.edu/, including an informational video and contact information for questions. 
