Giovanni Vigna is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of California in Santa Barbara.
His research interests include malware analysis, vulnerability assessment, the underground economy, blockchain security, voting integrity and misinformation detection, and the applications of artificial intelligence to security problems.
Giovanni Vigna was the CTO and co-founder of Lastline, Inc., a company that provides anti-malware solutions. Lastline was acquired by VMware, Inc., in June 2020, and since then he is the Sr. Director of Threat Intelligence at VMware.
He is known for organizing and running a yearly educational Capture The Flag hacking contest, called iCTF, that every year involves dozens of teams around the world.
Giovanni Vigna is also the founder of the Shellphish hacking group, which has participated in more DEF CON CTF competitions than any other group in history.
He is an IEEE Fellow and an ACM Fellow.