
ACTION Featured in GRIT Talk

UCSB Computer Science professor Christopher Kruegel will present "AI for Security, Security for AI" as part of this years series of GRIT talks at UCSB.

The GRIT talk series (presenting Ground-breaking Research/Innovative Technology at UCSB) began as part of UCSB's Summer Research Mentorship Program for high school students but quickly grew in popularity. They presentations are now available to the community, in-person in Campbell Hall or watched asynchronously on UCTV

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ACTION Distinguished Lecture: Claudionor Coelho Jr., Chief AI Officer of ZScaler, Inc.

The Mythical LLM-Month: Building Trustworthy Copilots and AutoPilots


Claudionor N. Coelho Jr, PhD/MBA
Chief AI Officer, Zscaler Inc

Date: Friday, May 31
Time: 1:00 pm PT
YouTube link:


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iCTF 2024 Registration is Open

The iCTF 2024 will take place from November 16, 2024, at 10 am Pacific Time to November 22, 2024, at 4pm Pacific Time.

As it was for the 2023 edition of the iCTF, there will be two separate competitions: one dedicated to high school teams (hiCTF) and one for college undergraduate students (uniCTF). Both competitions will be challenge-based and will use CTFd as the platform. They will also incorporate themes around artificial intelligence. 

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Local High School Reflection on Hacking Experience

Alex Ortiz, a student at Dos Pueblos High School in Goleta, reflected on the School for Scientific Thought experience by interviewing Stijn Pletinckx and Ilya Grishchencko, two researchers in the UCSB SecLab who collaborate with the ACTION Institute. 

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ACTION Distinguished Lecture: Snehal Antani, CEO of

Go Hack Yourself: More War Stories from ~50k Pentests

Snehal Antani, CEO

2 May 2024
1:00 pm PT (4:00 pm ET)

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U Washington Research on LLM Jailbreaking in Science Explorer Magazine

Journalist Kathryn Hulick included research from Fengqing Jiang and Radha Poovendran at the University of Washington in her article titled, "Jailbreaks bring out the evil side of chatbots." Specifically, she referenced Jiang's

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CERIAS Holds their 25th Annual Cyber Security Symposium at Purdue

The 25th annual (1999-2024) CERIAS Security Symposium brought together researchers, scientists, academics, and industry professionals to hear prestigious keynote addresses, thought provoking panel discussions, and innovative lighting and technology talks.

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Spring 2024 AI Magazine features AI Institutes

The Spring 2024 issue of AI Magazine features guest editors Chaohua Ou and Ashok Goel, who hail from Georgia Institute of Technology and the AI-ALOE Institute. This special issue delivers brief reports on the first 18 AI Institutes, launched in 2020 and 2021. Take a look at the amazing work our partner institutes are undertaking.

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