ACTION at the School for Scientific Thought
ACTION Institute researchers participated in UC Santa Barbara's School for Scientific Thought (SST) to teach high school students about cybersecurity principles and Artificial Intelligence (AI) basics.
Continue ReadingACTION at the School for Scientific ThoughtApplications for Summer Research Program
As part of the ACTION AI Institute's plan for outreach, education, and broadening participation, we are now welcoming applications from both graduate and undergraduate students to participate in an 8-week research experience at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Selected students will collaborate as teams with ACTION personnel on research related to Computer Security and Artificial Intelligence. All participants will receive stipends, provided by the National Science Foundation, as well as opportunities for housing in a UCSB-owned apartment.
Continue ReadingApplications for Summer Research ProgramChristopher Kruegel named as ACM Fellow
Dr. Christopher Kruegel was recently named to the 2023 Class of ACM Fellows for "contributions to systems security, malware detection, and vulnerability analysis." The full announcement from ACM is linked here.
Congratulations Chris!
Continue ReadingChristopher Kruegel named as ACM FellowCongratulations to the 2023 iCTF Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 International Capture the Flag!
The top undergraduate team, the b01lers, hailed from Purdue University. This assembly of ten ambitious students climbed the ranks after a slow start, but then retained the lead, solidifying their reputation as formidable hackers.
Continue ReadingCongratulations to the 2023 iCTF WinnersUVA CS Distinguished Speaker: Z. Berkay Celik, Purdue
In an example of cross-pollination and collaboration, Purdue's Dr. Berkay Celik will deliver a distinguished lecture at the University of Virginia.
December 1, 2023
8:00 am PST
University of Virginia
UW ECE students learn how to pack powerful technology into tiny electronic devices
University of Washington's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering spotlighted ACTION Co-PI Radha Poovendran's TinyML course, taught through the UW Professional Master's Program (PMP). The course represents one aspect of the ACTION Institute's continued educational outreach.
Continue ReadingUW ECE students learn how to pack powerful technology into tiny electronic devicesACTION Seminar: Teodora Baluta
Unforgeability in Stochastic Gradient Descent
Teodora Baluta
Computer Science
National University of Singapore
A Capture the Flag Competition (CTF) for High School and Undergraduate Students
With sponsorship from the ACTION Institute, the 2023 International Capture the Flag (iCTF) competition will incorporate themes around artificial intelligence and will have tracks for both high school students (iCTFhi) and undergraduate students (iCTFun). This novel security competition is being organized by Shellphish and the UCSB Women in Computer Science group.
Continue ReadingA Capture the Flag Competition (CTF) for High School and Undergraduate Students